Helping Ukrainians find safe accommodation in the UK.
Help for Ukrainians
Our aim is to support guests and sponsors, in the Congleton area, involved in the UK Government’s “Homes for Ukraine” visa scheme.
This starts with helping match families to Hosts and then providing support in all areas to ensure our guests can feel safe and welcome making a difference to their lives everyday.
Who we are.
Based in Congleton and the surrounding villages we are a group of volunteers who want to make the lives of displaced Ukrainian Families a little better each day
We are a non-political, non-religious self organised group matching, rematching and supporting Ukrainian and UK people, primarily in Congleton and the surrounding area, involved in the homes for Ukraine scheme.
We seek to create networks between existing charities, local authorities, communities, and those in the scheme, and provide a social network for sponsors and their guests so that all involved in the scheme can thrive.
Making a difference.
Small acts of kindness can make a BIG difference to peoples lives.
If you live in Congleton or one of the surrounding villages and you want to help then just reach out and click the button below.
We are looking for Hosts, transportation help, guides, volunteers of all kinds for all things. You can make a difference so join us.